3e Footprints Collaborative
The Footprints Collaborative is an asset-based community
development initiative between 3e Restoration, York
County Housing, The Village Initiative, Bacon Street
Youth & Family Services, and Inner Peace Coalition to
serve houseless unaccompanied youth who lack family
support and do not qualify for established programs. It is
a housing-first program attached to a system of care that
will offer mental health services and substance use
counseling (if needed) through Bacon Street Youth and
Family Services, and qualified professional mentorship and
entrepreneurship through Inner Peace Coalition, and
housing case management through York County Housing
coordinated and facilitated by 3e Restoration. The
Footprints Collaborative also partners with local school counselors and other community agencies like Literacy for Life. The Footprints Collaborative is a trauma-responsive and comprehensive initiative that includes:
- a housing first approach (meaning we will house youth without condition and do so as quickly as possible)
- mental health services
- substance use counseling (if needed)
- learning support that addresses educational disparities and needs through trained mentors and tutors
- qualified professional mentorship for job readiness, employment coaching, and entrepreneurship
- a pathway to employment sustainability