"Collaboration is our power. There is no them. There's only us."
Our Mission
Our Vision

3e Restoration is a Christian Community Development Agency
“This was not just training, it was an EXPERIENCE. This experience gave us a life-giving moment and a space to engage in introspection, challenge our assumptions, create a shared understanding, and redirect our efforts. The information was shared with such enthusiasm and conviction, that we were thoroughly engaged from start to finish. We explored several practical strategies that we could use to become more responsive to our youth and young adults. Three words – Innovative, Impactful, and Inspiring!” – Nikeisha Virgil, Youth Workforce Center as the Program Coordinator, New Horizons Regional Education Centers (Newport News, Virginia) | “Thank you for the comprehensive and well-developed training you provided Here for the Girls for our Trauma-Responsive Care & Practice certification. As an organization who engages both its members, their families, and the community on helping navigate a serious medical trauma such as breast cancer, we found the content shared to be both relatable and beneficial to our work. The environment the facilitators created when working with our board of directors and staff allowed for a safe space to share, comfort in asking questions, and open collaboration in determining next steps in implementing this training in our organization.” -Chris Scwab, Executive Director of Here for the Girls (Williamsburg Virginia) | “Members of my church found the heart of Jesus, and have been filled with empathy as they walk with their friends in need. The 3e Restoration Process is making our city better, making our church better, and making us more like Jesus.” – Gregg Jennings, Pastor Common Ground Church (Fredricksburg, Virginia) |